DIY Online Couple Relationship Retreat
Rekindling Passion, Intimacy & Happiness
All you need to create a closer, hotter, more lasting relationship.
Your DIY private Couple Retreat all takes place online in your own time and space. It's all about infusing your life and relationship with fresh passion, skills and wisdom. This self-paced journey is perfect for turning up the heat, having some fun together and revolutionising your intimacy and communication.
Alongside practical wisdom and exercises, the retreat includes the stress management tools that many couples need to get into a fun and intimate mood.
You can begin your retreat anytime and go through the modules in your own time and space individually or together. You can also email me, psychologist Dr Debra Campbell at The School of Love for extra support.
Let’s get started!
Dr Debra Campbell
The 4 Big Relationship Dont's
Detoxing Communication Fact Sheet
The 4 Factors that Lead to Relationship Disaster
Stress Management: An Essential Skill for Couple and Family Relationships
A Mindfulness Primer
Yoga Nidra (Relaxation): Mindful Body Scan
Dealing with Unhelpful Thoughts
Detoxing unhelpful thoughts
Forgiveness: An Essential Life & Relationship Skill
The Freedom of Forgiveness
Authentic-Forgiveness Fact Sheet
Introduction to the Module
How To Disagree Without a Fight
Communication Overhaul
Passive, aggressive, assertive
Solving Communication Dead-ends
Solve your solvables worksheet
Living Mindfully
Stress Management & Mindfulness Exercise: Yoga Nidra - Alignment
Introduction to Module 3
Working through this module
Reigniting Sex in Your Relationship
Understanding Your Relationship Blueprint
Stress Management: Yoga Nidra (Relaxation)
The Ideal Scenario
Heating it up with 'Verbal Sex'
Introduction to Module 4
A Guide To This Module
Crafting a beautiful couple life
A fast guide to the 6 types of love
A fast guide to love languages
Reflecting on Your Love Language Fun Sheet
How well do you know your partner
Love Letters
Thank You & Stay in Touch